Russell Graves

Commercial Photographer and Videographer

Photo of Russell Graves

Having grown up on a small hay and cattle farm in northeast Texas, Russell has always loved and lived a rural lifestyle. At age 17, he purchased his first camera and immediately started capturing the scenes around his country home. Before he was 20, his photography was already appearing in regional magazines.

Since then his agricultural lense has only expanded further, In fact, if you've read any outdoor or ag magazines over the last 25 years, you’ve likely seen his work as both a photographer and storyteller. Among his dozens of magazine credits are Successful Farming, The Progressive Farmer, and The Furrow.

While Russell taught ag science in Childress, Texas, for 16 years, earning the title of Texas Agriscience Teacher of the Year three times, he never roamed far from his camera and, in 2010, added video and multimedia production to his list of talents.   

Today and several hundred magazine covers later, he still loves capturing rural life with his camera. He doesn’t have to go far to frame the perfect scene either as owner of a small farm in Dodd City, Texas. Whether producing a how-to video series for Hobby Farms or capturing wildlife in their native habitats for a new coffee table book for outdoors enthusiasts, Russell finds himself most at home, as many of his human subjects do, working the land on his farm.


Jim Patrico


Dorothy Stephenson